45 Best Happy Birthday Wishes for Daughter

Females become the light of every room they walk in. Daughters especially, light up your whole life. They are cute, mostly chirpy, mostly cuddly and they get involved in your life really easily. They have these motherly instincts and tendency to take care of everything and every one around them which makes them even more adorable. We would not hesitate to call them the angels from above. The angels without the wings but equally magical, strong and brave. They deserve all the happiness in the world. So wish your little doll on her birthday with these best Birthday Wishes for Daughters.
Birthdays are special for everyone. But girls take them a little bit extra seriously and if you have a girl in your life, you must know what we mean by this. Does not matter if it is their own birthday or of some one else’s, they love to blow it up with preparations and surprises. So pamper your baby girl on her birthday and she will glow up.
Little daughters are the best thing in the world. They rarely shy away from showing their affection towards their parents and siblings. So if your girl’s birthday is coming up, then make sure to wish her with these lovely Birthday Wishes for Daughters:
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Birthday Wishes for Daughter
- Happy Birthday. Wishing you, my lovely daughter, a magical birthday filled with all that is beautiful in life.
- Happy Birthday. Sending this birthday card your way to wish you a beautiful day, and thanking you, my lovely daughter, for being who you are, in every way. I hope your birthday is as terrific as you are.
- Happy Birthday. Sending my fun daughter’s birthday wishes of celebration and cheer! I hope you have a blast on your special day!
- Happy Birthday. Sending you love, hugs, and birthday cheer too, and wishing you fun in everything that you do. Have an exciting birthday, my dear daughter!

- Happy Birthday. I send to you, my precious daughter, birthday wishes of love, hope, and cheer, for today, as well as the coming year. You mean the world to me and I am so very thankful to have you as my wonderful daughter. Have a great day, my dear!
- Happy Birthday. Wishing you, my sweet, caring, smart, and beautiful daughter, a fun and relaxing birthday!
- Happy Birthday. My dear daughter, you always brighten my day when we are together and you add joy to my life! May you have a magical birthday filled with brightness and wonderful surprises.
- Happy Birthday. To My Special Daughter! Thank you for all the wonderful memories you have given me over the years. I look forward to many more. Have a fantastic birthday!

- Happy Birthday To You. To my daughter on her special day! Wishing you the greatest birthday celebration ever, and thanking you for being the best daughter anyone could ever ask for!
- Happy Birthday. Sending my love and special birthday wishes to my sweet daughter on her birthday! Hoping you have an exceptional day!
- Happy Birthday. Wishing my lovable, intelligent, fabulous daughter an exciting and joyful birthday!
- Happy Birthday. To my sweet daughter, Today is all about you, so make sure to take some time to relax and enjoy the day. I love you very much!

- Happy Birthday. To My Awesome Daughter! Words can’t describe how thankful I am to have you as my daughter. I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished over the years. I can’t wait to see what you achieve over the years to come. May your birthday be everything you are hoping for.
- Happy Birthday To My Beautiful Daughter! Sending lots of love and happiness your way to help celebrate this very special day. I love you with all my heart and always will. Have a great birthday, sweetheart!
- Happy Birthday. A daughter like you, who is special in so many ways, deserves to have a lovely birthday that is filled with the things you hold dear. Wishing you everything you are hoping for on this day and the years to come.
- Happy Birthday. To our little girl, who is not so little anymore! We have watched you grow into a young woman and we are both so proud of who you have become and what you have accomplished in life. Thank you for being such a wonderful daughter. We love you so much!
- Happy Birthday. To my fun daughter who always makes me smile! You bring so much joy to my life, and with each birthday, I am reminded of how thankful I am to have you.
Heartwarming Birthday Wishes For Daughter
- I love celebrating your birthday every year because it is such an excellent reminder of how grateful I am that you were born. I cannot imagine a better daughter than you, and I am glad I don’t have to.
- The day you were born you stole my heart, and you haven’t given it back since. You mean the world to me, and I hope your birthday is filled with joy and love. Happy birthday to my little thief!
- Happy birthday to my favorite daughter! Yes, you are my only daughter, but that’s just because you were so perfect I didn’t need to have another one. Great job on being awesome.
- When my world feels dark, you are a ray of sunshine. Thank you for always being such a bright and shining person. May your special day be just as brilliant as you are.

- I hope your birthday is filled with balloons, presents, and cake. More importantly, I hope it is filled with love, joy, and warmth. May your every wish come true this year. Happy birthday!
- Happy Birthday. Sending special birthday wishes to my daughter who is loved so very much, and may you achieve all that you are reaching for in the years to come. You are truly wonderful!
- Daughters as amazing as you are one-in-a-million. How I lucked out I will never know, but I plan on spending the rest of my life being so grateful that I have you in my life.
- I hope your birthday is filled with great things: a great party, great food, and great people. You deserve it all because you are a great daughter. Happy birthday!

- May you always stay as gleeful and bold as you are now, my daughter. I hope that you carry your zest for life and adventure into adulthood and that your days are filled with love.
- Daughter, I want you to feel invincible on your birthday because you are. There is no hardship you cannot endure, no hurdle you cannot jump, and no barrier you cannot break. Happy birthday to my little champion!
- As you’ve grown, you have taught me so many things in life. Over the years you’ve taught me to have endless patience, unlimited affection, and eternal love. Happy birthday!
- Daughter, life is an incredible journey. While I hope you never falter on your path, if you do, know that you can turn to me. I will always be there to show you unending support and love. Happy birthday!

- Daughter, I hope you cherish every moment of your childhood. I know that I do. This time we have together now is so dear to me. Even when you are older, you will always have a special place in my heart.
- The day you came into this world was the day I was blessed with a bundle of happiness and joy. You have brought more tenderness and purpose into my life than I ever thought possible.
- Daughter, you’ve got it all: talent, spirit, and drive. Heck, if you weren’t my daughter I might hate you just a bit! Luckily, you are my daughter, so I love you to bits and pieces!
- When I first heard I was having a daughter I was scared, but after all this time I am so very grateful. There is no moment I would ever discard because every moment spent with you is as unforgettable as it is valued.
- Every moment spent with you has been an absolute joy. You fill my days with laughter and my thoughts with love. May your birthday be as unforgettable as you are.
Happy Birthday Wishes For Daughter
- “Sugar and spice and everything nice.” That must have been written just for you. Happy Birthday to the sweetest Daughter ever!
- Happy Birthday to my sweet Daughter. I thought I knew what love was all about until the day I first met you. Happy Birthday, my love.
- Daughter, every day you continue to amaze me. You are such a confident, cute, and caring daughter. May your birthday bring untold bliss and happiness this year.

- Happy Birthday, Daughter. You have been such a blessing in my life. I can’t wait to see what joys you have in store for the coming year!
- Happy Birthday to the child who stole my heart, and who has kept it all these years. Don’t worry about returning it; it’s happy where it is. We love our beautiful daughter to the moon and back. Happy Birthday to our favorite princess!
- You have brightened my world, dear daughter, and I wish you a sparkly Birthday, colorful new discoveries, and a dazzling year ahead.

- Daughter, I was trying to think of the perfect gift to get you this year, and then it hit me: I will watch all five Twilight films and not make fun of Edward even once. You’re totally welcome.
- For my Daughter on her Birthday … I’d capture the stars in the sky, the sun and moon for you, but they would only pale in comparison to your brilliance.
- On this very special occasion of yours, I truly wish you that you have an amazing day, filled with joy, laughter, presents, and love. Because this is what an exemplary daughter like you deserve. Happy Birthday!
- Daughters are like the sunlight that reflects on the raindrops of our lives to make beautiful rainbows. Happy Birthday, sweetheart!
How can a mother wish her daughter on her birthday?
1. Happy birthday, dear! No doubt, you’re my lovely daughter and I pray to God to make you a wonderful wife and a proud mother. Have a life full of pleasure and satisfaction. Love you, my child.
2. Dear princess, you are a daughter that any parents would like to have. May God make happiness to your daily companion and remove all the sorrows from your life. Have a lovely day, dear!
3. Happy birthday, little girl! The day is all yours. May you start all your day with a smile and keep smiling the whole day. Have a blissful life.
4. My dear daughter, you’re my angel and my friend. No relation is as beautiful as ours. Words are too short to express my love for you. Always be blessed, my love. Happy birthday!
5. My lovely daughter, happy birthday! Thank you for making me feel proud. Always be happy with what you have. May you become a virtuous person!
No matter how much they grow up, they always be their parent’s little girl who used to lighten up the whole house with their giggles. And even after growing up, being busy with their own career or family, they never leave alone any of their people. Daughters are literally the miracle of nature.
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